Observa Edi Analyser - Software for decoding EDI output from ENMUXA DAB Multiplex, and analysing the data stream
Designed for DAB Multiplex operators
- Full ensemble decoding including SI and FIC information.
- Live playout of subchannels for audio verification
- Comprehensive PAD metrics presented in graphs, ensuring correct data flow.
- DL+ decoding and display available for DL+ enabled services. Tags include now playing, track title, and artist.
- Data logging with filters to show specific measurements
- ETI file recording for service reports.
- ETI file import for analysis.
Real-Time Displays
The user interface includes real-time graphical displays, alarms, and logging to capture all key metrics from the output of the DAB Multiplex. Any irregularities are flagged, allowing the operator to pinpoint the cause of the errors for quick reparation.
Recording the Ensemble
The operator can schedule a recording to commence by date and time. Save to file options include:
- ETI (NI) file from the incoming EDI signal (.eti)
- Sub-channel including associated data (.bin)
- PAD from the selected sub-channel (.pad)
- PCM format audio from the selected sub-channel (.pcm)
- WAV format audio from the selected sub-channel (.wav)
- CSV file export for data logging (.csv)
Software Compatibility
The OBSERVA Analyser software application is optimised for installation on a customer-supplied Windows PC, with the recommended configuration:
- Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
- CPU: Intel Core i5 Processor - 2GHz or faster
- Memory: 8GB RAM
- Storage: 2GB free disk capacity for installation