Mentor enables download of 3D data for their products
As a service for electronics developers and constructing engineers, Mentor provides 3D product data for our almost 2,500 standard articles. For the product areas of light guides, optoelectronics and keypad components, these are available in the eCatalogue as an immediate download for each article: in many common neutral data formats, e.g. STL, DXF, AMF, 3MF, OBJ or STEP, but also in native formats of common CAD programs, e.g. AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Catia, Creo, Inventor or Solid Edge.
The 3D models can be easily transferred to the developers’ CAD programs. This saves a lot of time and diminishes errors.
Mentor cooperates with TraceParts, one of the world’s leading providers of digital 3D content. The 3D data is also available for download on the Traceparts portal.
3D data for articles from our product ranges handles, knobs and electromechanics can be requested free of charge in the so-called Service Center on the respective article pages in the eCatalogue or by contacting one or our experts below.